You are currently browsing the archives for the day: Wednesday, den 13. August 2014.

August 13, 2014

Aug13 PM Log

Ahoy VALIS fans…Big Whoops on the AM Log. It was dated Aug12 instead of Aug13…sorry. Batts 12.75v, 91% charged… We are at 46*04′N 129*46′W…hdg 029*m…SOG 7 knots…winds 15 knots from 258*m…sea calm to moderate with swell still on our beam mostly. Fun day of sailing. Still grabbing as much north as we can above the […]


Aug12 AM Log

Ahoy VALIS fans… Another rocking and rolling night on a close reach. We continue to fight the push south and it looks like we might win it. Our mark at the Strait has a bearing of 037*m and our target heading is 030-035*m. Reaching Friday Harbor by Friday is looking more and more doable…especially if […]
