Crew Update
There has been a crew change aboard VALIS.
I was disappointed to learn that my good friend Daniel Terhune will not be able to race to Hawaii with us this time, due to family commitments. Fortunately, we have a great new crewmember:
His name is Steve Hill, he lives in San Rafael, is a member of the Richmond Yacht Club, and is an experienced racer (often single handing his Beneteau First 42 “Coyote”.

Steve during the SSS Farralones Race
Steve has been sailing/racing since he was 11 years old, racking up over 40 years on SF bay (YRA) the California coast (OYRA), Mexico, and Canada, on many boats from 20′ to 48′, and in 1996 he helped return a PacCup boat from Hawaii. Steve and his wife Connie purchased their first boat a Beneteau First 42 “Coyote” in 1999, and have raced in OYRA, and other races in and around SF Bay, including SSS races (spinnaker division). They live in San Rafael, and work in Napa. Steve is a Technical Marketing Consultant, and works with companies to help them improve the effectiveness of their marketing programs.
Steve is also involved in the Rotary Club of Mission San Rafael. They provide local Community, Vocaitonal, and Youth Services, as well as International Service projects (like the elimination of Polio from the world).
Steve claims that he is very happy to be sailing in the 2008 PacCup aboard VALIS.
Welcome aboard, Steve!