overnight sail to the islands of Santa Maria and Sola on Vanau Lava

Hello everyone,
We left Asanvari Bay just before sunset for an overnight sail north of along the island of Maewo to the islands of Santa Maria and Vanau Lava. The wind was blowing at 15 to 20 knots over the starboard quarter and INTENTION sailing beautifully with a full jib and a double reefed main making a comfortable easy 6 knots. Patti took the first three-hour watch and I awoke to a beautiful star studded sky for my watch. We continued sailing like that three hours on end three hours off until passing by Santa Maria island around 6 a.m. and continued north to the provincial capital of Sola on Vanau Lava.
We anchored near the pier in what turned out to be a lumpy roly Anchorage. After going to and having a wonderful 2 Km walk back from the airport to make some reservations for Patti’s departure we had lunch at the market meeting Charles, the provincial tourism representative and Lavie and Elizabeth. She works for the EC as a proposal writer for development projects there in the banks island’s and Lavie is a book writer and has been publishing a local weekly newspaper for the banks and the Tories islands. We also met father Luke, Robert, and Sarah at the Vanau Lava yacht club building. I gave some medical supplies to father Luke, who is an Anglican priest and is trying to set up a holistic medical center.
After realizing that the anchor chain was wrapped around a coral head we’d be anchored INTENTION in front of the Vanau Lava yacht club.
love to all,

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