sailing from Sola over the top of Vanua Lava island to the western side and Beautiful Waterfall Bay

Hello all,
Was a beautiful day sail around the top of Vanua Lava to the western side and beautiful waterfall Bay. Most of it was a very easy sail except for the last two or 3 miles which had the wind on the nose. it is called waterfall Bay because it has two roaring waterfalls falling about 150 feet into one large clear refreshing pool surrounded by huge water worn rocks and flowing into the sea. After getting anchored we were visited by chiefs from three different villages, chief Kereley, chief Nixon, and chief Jimmy. Upon first going ashore we were greeted with a reception ceremony telling us that our safety was of their primary concern and welcoming us to waterfall Bay which including fresh papaya drenched in lime juice. there always seem to be Outrigger canoes coming by to give us gifts or trade for lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
We stayed here a few days swimming and snorkeling each day on the beautiful coral reefs near the village and the waterfalls. It was good exercise swimming back and forth as well as diving down 15 to 20 feet to see the fish and of coral formations. An unusual part of snorkeling here was it was necessary to get your face mask three or 4 inches below the surface of the water as the freshwater from the water falls was floating on top of the sea water and slightly distorting the clarity of your vision.
At night with the forward hatch open the full moon would come streaming down filling the forward berth with a silver glow of moonlight. After the moon had set there was still that star-studded night and the glow of the Milky Way to relish watching.
Bye for now,

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