Awesome Asanvari Bay on the island of Maewo

We had 25 kn winds on the nose most of the time sailing to awesome Asanvari Bay on the island of Maewo. We tacked into the nicely protected Bay with a beautiful waterfall and anchored next to the same boats that we were in the harbor with last. We launched the dinghy and mounted the outboard to go ashore and see the Asanvari yacht club and the pristine village. Meeting the chief we arranged for some cultural dancing and dinner for the next night. The next day he we hiked up to the village at the top of the waterfall swimming and splashing in the pools at the head of the waterfall to cool off. After swimming and snorkeling in the warm clear water of the Bay we would often finish her off by going swimming in the freshwater pools under the waterfall to rinse off the salt. Again many varieties and colors of the coral and fish were exceptional. We enjoyed this beautiful Anchorage very much more for a few days. Swimming almost every day allows me to get some good exercise and keep in shape.

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