Valis and her Crew back in Sausalito

Today (Thursday) at 12:00 Noon VALIS and her hardy crew returned safely to her Sausalito slip. We had an exhilarating downwind sail back to San Francisco, with winds in the 20′s (and a few 30+ patches), and VALIS often hit 10 knots under main and poled-out genoa.

While making our turn above the Farallons towards the Golden Gate, we had a very nice VHF radio conversation with the sailboat “No Ka Oi”, who was ten miles behind us on her return trip from Oahu. No Ka Oi raced in the 2008 Pacific Cup, and it was great to be the first to welcome her home after her 16-day passage.

So Dave, Rich, Jim, and I now go our separate ways for a while. This attempt revealed several deck-leaks that had not made themselves previously known, so there will be mopping out and re-bedding to be done very soon. This is the way of a boat!

More later, but first I need a long hot shower!


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