Finish Line!

VALIS crossed the finish line Tuesday evening, July18, 21:54:41 HST (Hawaii Standard Time). 

The finish process went like this: 

HF (long-range) radio check-in at 100 miles to report our position and ETA.

HF radio check-in at 25 miles to update ETA, tell the race committee how many “souls on board” VALIS carried, the draft (how deep the water needs to be for VALIS to float), and which of two channels we preferred to take to get to where we were going to tie up.  We chose the “Sanpan Channel”, shich is shallower, but much shorter than the main shipping channel.

VHF radio (short-range) check-in at 5 miles, to update ETA

While this is going on, we are still offshore of Kaneohe Bay, looking at the many lights and other features, trying to reconcile what we see with the electronic charts, our paper chart, and our compasses.  It was a bit confusing until Ville spotted one particular flashing light that we hadn’t been able to find.  Once this was identified, everything else snapped into place, and all navigation information cross-checked.  This was important, because Kaneohe Bay is protected by reefs, with only two small channels leading into the inner harbors.  Also, of course, we wanted to cross the finish line, which was about one mile wide.

A couple of minutes before we crossed the line, we illuminated our sails to the committee boat could identify us.  As we crossed, we blew our horn, and radioed in on VHF that we had finished, and our version of the finish time.

A power boat, crewed by yacht club volunteers, met us at the finish line, and after waiting for us to furl our sails, led us through the channel to the Kaneohe Yacht Club.  There, two volunteers in a skiff helped guide us to our spot, and a large crew on shore caught our lines and helped make VALIS secure.  Once we were tied up, the crew of VALIS were given flower leis, a ceremonial kiss, and a tray of Mai-Tais, amongst resounding cheers of “Congratulations” and “Aloha”.  A very civilized welcome!

More to follow in a day or so…


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