We have made it to Luganville on Santo

Pam: Last Thursday Jim and I sailed a few miles from our anchorage in the lee of Uri Island over to Norsup. I went ashore leaving Jim aboard to rest his sore back. I discovered that there was a well equipped workshop just near the wharf. The Australian manager Hugh and his NiVan mechanic said that they reckoned they might be able to crank the engine.
To cut the story short they did much better than that over the next couple of days, they got the dinghy outboard running smoothly again and, joy oh joy, found that the spare self starting motor did not need a new solonoid but only needed minor repairs. So now we have the engine starting motor back in operation.
Early this morning (Sunday) we motored out of Norsup heading almost due north for the 36 mile crossing to Luganville on Santo. There was very little wind when we left but soon a 15 knot SE breeze came up and we had a most enjoyable sail.
I will be leaving Jim shortly and I thank him for taking me on as crew. I have enjoyed the experience, learnt a lot and regained some confidence that I am not too decrepit to crew (although I still draw the line at the foredeck in a gale). I wish Jim well in the next leg of his voyage – The Banks and Torres Islands.
Jim: I took Lee and Nicky to Norsup airport. They are returning to BB Australia tomorrow, Friday. It is wonderful learning the strengths and weaknesses of each crew person. Watching them grow in their knowledge, confidence and responsibility. And seeing them discovering strengths and capabilities they never knew they had. I am honored to think I may have been able to contribute to their sense of self in a way that they hopefully can take back to their lives and empower themselves as an emotionally, spiritually, and maybe even a physically stronger person.
The other side of the coin is how my relationship with my crew contributes to me in so many ways. Since we are in constant interaction and such close proximity to each other with no real personal privacy or a place to hide on a 37 foot sailboat it accelerates the process of getting to know each other as persons and uniquely as crew. I feel blessed to be in a situation where I can make and enjoy so many new relationships.

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