Cathie signing off

Cathie is all packed and ready to desert the ship. Its been a leisurely morning after my real birthday dinner last night at the only Japanese in town. The 3 musketeers went ashore with a little difficulty in landing the dinghy. We found ourselves at the maritime police dock and were greeted by a most accommodating security officer who offered to watch over the dinghy until our return. A pleasant night ensued seated at a table with million dollar views over the harbor, delicious food and 2 bottles of top notch Napa Valley chardonnay from Jim’s supplies mainly consumed by Jim and Cathie. Pam maintains she was forced to drink her quota and is paying the price today. Jim’s a bit slow and I feel fine. I was so fine last night that I jumped in the restaurant pool for a few laps of butterfly much to the amusement of other diners and applause from my mates. A further bit of amusement ended the evening when I took the opportunity to try my first taste of lip numbing kava supplied by the security officer who as good as his word had set up camp beside our dinghy.
So here we after our customary papaya fruit salad muesli tea coffee etc ready to up anchor and move to a more accessible spot whereby I will regretfully take my leave from this most interesting,entertaining and informative adventure with appetite whetted for further yachting experiences. Thank you Jim and Pam hope the next 2 girls will replace me happily.
Signing off an older and wiser

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