Passage to Vanuatu – Day 2

Good morning from Intention!
Time: 7:30 AM (Fiji Time)
Position: Lat 17deg 59min South, Lon 175deg 08min East
Course: 270deg true
Speed: 6 kts
Winds: moderate, from the south
Seas: 3 feet swell.
Since leaving Fiji at Noon yesterday, we have sailed about 120 miles due west towards Vanuatu. We have been flying the genoa and a double-reefed main since leaving the pass — Intention is sailing nicely and the crew is enjoying it.
Yesterday evening, Jim made a great dinner of chicken with a pear and wine sauce (with a dash of chipotle) over rice. The rest of the wine was also delicious. The sun set around six, and we started out three-hour watches — Daniel, Jim, Paul, then John. We had a few sprinkles during the night, but conditions have been steady and favorable. Today looks to be more of the same.
The stars, planets, and the streak of lights called the Milky Way were brilliant in a mostly a clear sky with a few dark billows of clouds passing over. Seas coming from abeam on the port side raise and lower INTENTION gently except for the rare rouge wave slapping her hull and sometimes splashing into the cockpit. The night was warm and the watches were easy.
S/V Intention

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