Thursday, June 16th

Thursday, June 16th

Hello to our beautiful family-

Thursday, June 16th
Sorry about the communication drought (on my part–Jim’s been
beautifully taking up the slack). Once we hit land, we just haven’t had
nearly the time to write as before. SO many adventures, so little time.
Big, bad bummer that our angel Paul Elliott left us today. We all **SO**
enjoyed and appreciated his first-class reception & presence here. Safe
travels & a MILLION thanks to you, Paul, for everything.

Some of the things we’ve experienced here are SOOOO difficult to put
into words. This place is FULL of magic & majesty. Like the night we
were sailing from Fatu-Hiva to Ua-Pou. I suddenly awoke at 2AM & John
was on night-watch (the first since we arrived in the Marquesas). John
heard me get up & came down to tell me to come up to see the dolphins. I
followed him to the bow & looked into the water to experience one of the
most mind-blowing things I’ve ever seen. (Paul & Jim were right behind
us). Dolphins were ‘riding the bow’ as they are often known to do…only
THIS was an absolutely spectacular sight! It was very dark, so we were
being treated to ‘water fireworks’ in the shape of dolphins! Many
star-studded dolphins darted back & forth in front of the boat, swimming
every which way. We could see them 30-40 feet from the boat, then they’d
arrive right under our feet with lightening speed. Our little
phosphorescent plankton friends were participating in inter-species play
with the dolphins to create the magical light show of a lifetime. Aqua
Aurora Borealis, dolphin-style, SINGING INCLUDED.

Another awe-inspiring sight was the hike up to the amazing (purported to
be the world’s 3rd highest) waterfall on Nuku-Hiva. We anchored in
Daniel’s Bay and hiked the 2-hour (each way) trail. The trail head
starts behind the famous Daniel & his sweet wife Antoinette’s house. Of
course we had to take a refreshing swim in the pool at the base of the
falls! The trail to the falls is amazing, winding through old,
OLD-feeling jungle growth & crossing the ‘creek’ several times. We saw
petroglyph stone formations all along the way; reminders of the island’s
ancient cannibalistic inhabitants. The place abounds with lush exotic
tropical foliage (including old, gigantic trees decorated with 4 to
5-inch brightly-colored flowers which would fall around us as we
walked). There were plants with HUGE leaves, mystical fern groves &
mosses & lichens sporting impossible natural colors of green. This part
of the island definitely has a ‘Jurassic Park meets Raiders of the Lost
Ark’ feel.

Love & great adventure to you all,

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