Day 14-Wed. May 25th

Day 14-Wed. May 25th

Aloha everyone-

We’ve been continuing to make very good time using the spinnaker. John &
I got our first ‘good taste’ of a REAL squall today! (Those other ones
were weanies, compared to this one). It came up so suddenly that a huge
blast of wind knocked our boat over. Needless to say, I was SCARED.
Captain Jim took quick action while simultaneously remaining cool, calm
& collected (which helped me a LOT–I was quaking in my boots for a
little while). He quickly righted Intention & John & he went to work to
assess our damages. John was unshaken & did a fantastic job under Jim’s
excellent direction. (He’s STILL out there working his butt off, even as
I write). I’ll let Jim give you the details of our ‘breakage’ & what
they’re doing about it. We’re gonna be SOME tired puppies tonight.

Sweet dreams,

Great exciting day for all the crew in this sailing adventure

When the squall hit us on the port windward beam with torrents of wind
and with rain falling so thick allowing only 50 feet visibility it
folded the spinnaker pole in half and heeled the boat enough to have the
water coming over the cockpit coamming into the cockpit. Exciting. Darla
quickly released the sheet on my command and INTENTION magically righted
herself. The 40 knot or so winds did not allow the spinnaker snuffer to
snuff it so I lowered the sail as John with great effort pulled it
aboard out of the ocean. Good work and coordination by the whole crew.

Oh, we did over 150 miles for our days run today which that much closer
to our destination.

Tonight’s sunset was another one of god’s special gifts


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