Day 12-Monday May 23nd

Day 12-Monday May 23nd

Hi to all friends and family:
I apologize for not writing something each day and will promise to do it
more regularly. I do do a position report each day and you can see it on
the web at It also has pictures of all of us
and our departure so check it out if you get a chance. Today, being the
12th day, we each took turns taking a salt water shower outside on port
side deck while INTENTION was sailing along at about 5 to 6 kts using an
asymmetrical spinnaker and a full main on a course of 200T.

I’d like to describe just how unusual it is to continually have a 360
degree view of the horizon. Seeing the blueness of the water,
white-capped waves, the light blue color of the sky, the billowing white
clouds, or the long, dark ones. Sometimes, you can see 5 or 6 rain
squalls, (little dark patches of sky, containing wind & rain), to be
avoided OR enjoyed for the refreshing, fresh water wash-down of us and
the salt-encrusted surfaces of the boat.

Now I want to describe some of the sights on my 10PM-1AM watch last
night. The most profound was the warm, soft breeze of the night, which
reminds me of a woman’s loving touch. The almost-full moon was
peek-a-booing in and out among the white, puffy clouds. It also had a
bright halo shining through white, wispy clouds, lighting the seas &
creating a runway of flashing lights, just off the tops of the waves, as
they rolled past the boat. Another spectacular moment on night-watch.

Love to all,

WOW…Mother Nature outdoes herself once again on this gorgeous night
(last night), the moon being just a few hours short of full.
Intention loves me, as I love her
I stand in barefoot gratitude upon her bow
Under warm cotton candy skies
Which cannot conceal
Full moon from on high
At 2 AM, as the rest of the world sleeps
Water stars grace
Someone else’s bow tonight

Today was a day of many squalls, which sent John & Jim scrambling up top
to quickly change course, pull the spinnaker down, put it back up, etc.
A warm, comfortable, mostly-cloudy day.

Loving aloha,

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