Messages from crew in North Island, New Zealand

Jim – A week ago Sunday our local Kiwi friends, Roger and Jenny, took us to
the Kauri Museum in Matakohe. We discovered the mighty Kauri Tree,
its timer, gum, and fascinating exhibits and old photos. The trees were as
old and big a diameter as our Redwood trees but the wood is a much harder
with a beautiful grain. The lumber was prized for its quality and especially
used for furniture and shipbuilding. Kauri was so sot after that there is
not many trees left except for stumps that have been left in bogs or swamps
for up to 300,000 years. The north Island is so narrow that on the drive
there we were able to see the Tasman Sea on the other side of the country.
The following evening we were invited to Tom’s house and a Kiwi BBQ of pork
steaks, mutton sausages,and introduced the Kiwis to a new taste
treat, Swirl’s killer guacamole & corn chips. Then we all jumped in Tom’s 4
wheel and headed 5 miles down the beach to 10 acres of the highest
sand dunes, land Roger used to own. We watched a partially cloud
blocked yellow full moon slowly rise out of the Pacific Ocean accompanied on
each side by the dark shapes of islands, the Hen & Chicks. The shimmering
reflection of the moonlight changing from yellow to a brilliant white on the
ocean waves entertained, fascinated, & bewitched us for over an hour. It is
summer here in NZ so sunset is not until about 8:30.
Friday, we used R&J’s car to pick up, Ellie, my & INTENTION’s 2nd Crew. She
has begun to get acclimated to the warm sunny days after a long plane ride
from snowy Maine. I’ll let her continue her impressions in her own
words. And now we are 3.
After a motor up the Whangarei River to the small city of Whangarei,
INTENTION are scheduled to be hauled out at Riverside Drive Marina on
Friday. In the mean time, we are sanding and varnishing INTENTION’s exterior
teak. She is loving the TLC.

Ellie – Yes i am here in the most beautiful rolling hills of evergreens,
hibiscus and pineapple trees. The landscape is lush and the light from the
ocean surrounding us is extra beautiful. As the third addition to
the other two free thinking crew members, i enjoy the conversation and
perspectives from both Capt. Jim and Swirl. That’s right, Swirl. We
varnished today and danced while making lunch. Not bad for the third day in
New Zealand. Intention is a beautiful boat – we are already having a great
Swirl’s World – I continue to go on more adventures with my Kiwi friends -
Jenny, (Captain Grumpy) Roger & Tom. We all went out on Roger’s boat
fishing in Whagerai Harbor. I caught a Red Snapper. The bait was squid.
We reeled in 3 Snapper that day. The Harbor is beautiful as we sailed
around going to Roger’s favorite fishing spots. After we got back Roger
cleaned all the fish and we went to Tom’s house for a “BarBee” (Kiwi fro
BBQ) The gang smoked the fish in a smoker, coating the fish with salt and
brown sugar. They gave me my fish and I made fish tacos the next day on
INTENTION for everyone. YUM YUM ! Another Kiwi that lives here in the
marina, Adrian, took me and the gang out sailing the next day. (I know, it
sounds as if I’m abandoning my crew members on INTENTION, but what’s a girl
to do? Turn down sailing trips? I think NOT). Anyway no fish on that trip,
but we did sail outside the harbor on the Pacific Ocean for the first
time. Our time is coming to an end here at Marsden Cove Marina. We move to
town Friday morning . Roger and Jenny are coming with us and haul their
boat out as well, so the party will continue for two weeks in Whagerai as we
work on our respective bottoms. I’ve really learned how to sand and varnish
wood these past three weeks.

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