Nearing Norfolk Island

Yesterday was a day the Gods of the winds having fun with or tested me. I must remember to have humility, patience, and be thankful for all I do have. We had 25-30 knots SE winds from the direction of our destination. INTENTION was sailing SW which would have been wonderful if we intended to make landfall at Brisbane, Australia. The next morning at 9AM the wind began to shift more southerly until we went onto a starboard tack with the port caprail often being washed with clear blue waves to a SSE course heading directly for Norfolk Island about 85 NM away. We should pass by it some time before sunrise. Weather we pass North or South are at the whims of the God of the wind. We’ll not be stopping because according to the forecast the winds are suppose to continue to be southerly but lighter at 10-15 kts instead of the 20-28 kts. and 3-6 foot white capped seas today. I had hoped to at least get a glimpse of Norfolk.
Love Jim

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