Tanna’s Active Volcano

Last night, we were driven by pick-up to see more of the red glow & large white billowing clouds smelling of sulfur coming from the rim, and hear and feel the loud explosions in the lava filled molten crater of the active volcano, Yasur, which means ‘god’ in all of Tanna’s local languages. I was moved by the awesome power throwing huge chunks of red hot glowing magma a thousand feet into the Black night sky. Luckily, we did not have dodge any falling lava as the wind was blowing it away from us. I was disappointed my Digital camera as it was not able to really catch the power and magnificence.

Vanuatu is a wealth of different languages. More than 200 here and more than 20 just on Tanna. I have met a number of linguists studying the many languages. They have been spending years learning to speak and document the languages and how it influences local customs. We’ve had very good long educational discussions that has given me a better sense of the people and their customs.


Sunset going to Volcano
Clouds of hot cinders & gases from lava explosions
Lava being thrown thousands of feet in the sky

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